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Woe to those who make unjust laws/to those who issue oppressive decrees/to deprive the poor of their rights/and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people (Isaiah 10:1-2 NIV)



Our Mission


  • To lift up and build up black and brown families in our community who are hurting.

  • To help change the narrative within the black family structure.

  • To advocate for a society that is fair, equitable and just, until equality and equity is achieved when we no longer see disparities based on race.

  • To restore and change the narrative of Black families based on Godly principles.

Legacy Builders


God has called us to be change agents by making a difference in people’s lives.


For some, legacy means their ethical will that conveys important personal stories, values, principles and beliefs. For others, legacy means financial-leaving valuables, keepsakes or wealth. And for others, legacy means a philanthropic footprint that influences, impacts and endows causes, making the world a better place. 


For us it’s a little bit of all the above but for us it's Kingdom driven.


To empower people to discover their purpose, experience freedom, by providing people with the tools and resources required to walk in God’s plan for their lives. To break long lasting generational curses that positions every individual and family to transfer God’s blessing and blueprint for prosperity to the 3rd and 4th generations.


Capturing, let alone creating legacy, can be challenging.


It requires individuals to take a journey through different parts of life, experiences, places, and influential people who have been impactful in their lives in different ways. There are helpful tools, content, and resources that we are making available for individuals and family to help make their dream of creating generational legacy a reality

Take Back the Family Movement

​ #TakeBackTheFamily


The world once loved television shows Leave It to Beaver, and The Cosbys are over. Today’s American family does not have the same structure as a generation ago. Rapid social, cultural and economic changes have transformed families and contributed to greater complexity and diversity.


Most people would agree that the characteristics of a family in modern society include a group of people who live together most of the time and share life experiences and circumstances as a unit. Family members in modern society support each other in every capacity including physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual. Unfortunately, this is not what most people experience.


Usually, a household headed by a married mother and father who are both the biological parents of their children is no longer the most common version of today’s family; in fact, only about 15 percent of American children now reside in a traditional breadwinner-homemaker family. Other changes include dramatic rises in cohabitation among adults over age 50 and the number of adults aged 45 to 63 who are unmarried. 


Today we see economic disparities choking the life out of most families. Economic inequality is the unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society. Data from the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) show that long-standing and substantial wealth disparities between families in different racial and ethnic groups were little changed since the last survey in 2016; the typical White family has eight times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times the wealth of the typical Hispanic family. Not to mention the educational gap we face here in America.

Where are we today?


Over the past 22 years we have been helping families of all nationalities mostly black and brown throughout the community by inspiring: teaching, counseling, engaging, and advocating for the holistic (spiritual, mental and physical) growth and improvement of individuals and families.


African–Americans represent approximately 13.4 percent of the United States population yet statistics reveal that they are marginalized, oppressed and denied the resources and tools to change their family’s disposition and destiny.

Movement Strategy


  • Community Engagement – Create platforms for community learning and dialogue that explore the broad spectrum of perspectives, definitions, and expectations of the Black family.

  • Local and National Philanthropic Partnerships – partner with local and national philanthropic institutions to make investments in programming that promotes healthy family interaction.

  • Research and Policy – Advocate for and promote public policy that positively impacts Black families.

  • Thought Leadership – Lead approaches that seek to change deeply held opinions of civic leaders and policymakers about the value and efficacy of Black and Brown families.

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